There are several meetings which are of interest to San Martin Residents concerning local developments developments – see below
SMNA Town Meetings, which are held as required, usually 4 times a year to provide current information to our members. We usually invite speakers from such organizations as the Santa Clara County (in particular for Planning issues), Valley Water, etc. These meetings are normally held at the Lions’ Hall but recently they have been virtual through Zoom.
San Martin Planning advisory Committee (SMPAC) reviews those issues which require some form of planning permission and provides recommendations to the SCC Planning Commission and is open to the public to make comments.. These are normally held at County Offices on Highland Ave, San Martin, usually on the fourth Wednesday of the month but can be changed to other days depending on holidays and special meetings. Recently these meetings have been held virtual. Visit: for the schedule and agendas.
The SCC Planinng Commision Normally conducts its public meeting on Thursdays following the SMPAC meetings. These are held at the SCC faciity in Hedding Ave. Visit : or schedule and agendas.
SMNA will publish the information pertaining to these meetings some days before they occur on the San Martin Neighborhood alliance web site.
For major planning applications in San Martin the SCC Planning Department will hold public meetings in or near San Martin for the benefit of San Martin residence to make comments. Details will be published by email and on the SMNA web when they are announced by the County.